"Campidanese" pack
Our packaging is an assortment of cured meats that enhance the excellence of local products which are:
-"Sa Cannacca" fine sausage (about 350gr) iconic product of the company is made only and exclusively with controlled and degreased pulp in order to achieve the right balance of aromas make it a unique product for taste and leanness.
- Local salami(about 450gr) with a sweet taste, it is very lean and coarse-grained.
-Sardinian Mustela (about 400gr) obtained from adult and mature pork loin, flavored and aged for 30 days, which retains a sweet and slightly peppery taste.
- Campidanese Sardinian sausagewith a size 400 grammtheApproximately, caliber from 40 to 43 millimeters and with a low percentage of fat, it faithfully reproduces the ancient Campidanese recipe, preserving the typical taste of local gastronomy.
Myrtle flavored Sardinian sausagewith a weight of about 400 grams, caliber from 40 to 43 millimeters and with a low percentage of fat, it is flavored with myrtle while preserving the taste of the local gastronomy.